God eater rage burst best bullets
God eater rage burst best bullets

god eater rage burst best bullets

Gods Eater Burst is our second kick at the can, and it goes in the completely opposite direction. The first, Lord of Arcana, tried to crossbreed Monster Hunter with Valhalla Knights, in essence, but a lack of substance and unbalanced difficulty rendered it an unfortunate product that was really going to appeal to people who felt that Monster Hunter simply wasn’t challenging enough. While Monster Hunter isn’t even remotely as beloved in the US as it is in Japan, it certainly is selling well enough over here to make for a convincing argument in favor of bringing similar titles over, and we’ve seen two in the past three months already, both on the PSP.


Well, we knew this was coming sooner or later with the massive popularity of the Monster Hunter series in Japan, it stood to reason that other companies would start making similar games, and that, eventually, someone would bring these similar games stateside.

god eater rage burst best bullets

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God eater rage burst best bullets